Claude's Corner: Art Works

Bellawood, a steampunk space station

3D render of a hollow sphere made of concentric layers, with openings that partly overlap, admitting a red glow coming from inside. The surface looks like polished brass.

This is a space station from The Dream, often visited by the Spirit Walk and Venerator in the stories, which has made it easily the most important location in the entire setting as time passed. In-universe it's an artificial sphere the size of Ceres or larger, made of moving layers and with a hot core. Obviously my 3D modeling skills aren't up to par, so this is just an artist's impression. Still makes for a pretty good desktop wallpaper, not to mention cover art.

POV-Ray source code, as of summer 2023:

#version 3.7;

#include ""
#include ""

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera {
	location <0, 0, -150>
	look_at <-20, 0, 0>
	// angle 48

light_source { <150, 150, -150> color White }
light_source { <-150, -150, -150> color White }
light_source { <0, 0, 0> color Red }

sky_sphere {
	pigment {
		gradient y
		color_map {
			[0.0 color DarkPurple]
			[0.45 color NewMidnightBlue]
			[0.55 color NewMidnightBlue]
			[1.0 color DarkPurple]
		// scale 2
		// translate 1
	emission rgb 0.1

#declare Layer = difference { 
	sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 50 }
	sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 95 / 2 }

	cylinder { <0, 0, -55>, <0, 0, 55>, 15 } 
	cylinder { <0, -55, 0>, <0, 55, 0>, 15 } 
	cylinder { <-55, 0, 0>, <55, 0, 0>, 15 }

	difference {
		cylinder { <0, 0, -55>, <0, 0, 55>, 26 } 
		cylinder { <0, 0, -60>, <0, 0, 60>, 24 } 
	difference {
		cylinder { <0, -55, 0>, <0, 55, 0>, 26 } 
		cylinder { <0, -55, 0>, <0, 55, 0>, 24 } 
	difference {
		cylinder { <-55, 0, 0>, <55, 0, 0>, 26 }
		cylinder { <-55, 0, 0>, <55, 0, 0>, 24 }

	cylinder { <-55, -55, -55>, <55, 55, 55>, 10 }
	cylinder { <55, -55, -55>, <-55, 55, 55>, 10 }
	cylinder { <-55, 55, -55>, <55, -55, 55>, 10 }
	cylinder { <-55, -55, 55>, <55, 55, -55>, 10 }

	texture { Polished_Brass } normal { cells scale 10 }

object { Layer rotate -24 finish { ambient 0.05 } }
object { Layer scale 0.90 rotate <0, 24, 0> finish { ambient 0.10 } }
object { Layer scale 0.81 rotate <12, 0, 0> finish { ambient 0.15 } }

Note: Bellawood Station doesn't belong to me. Source code is provided for entertainment and education.