Claude's Corner: Art Works

Yes, 3D art works too

It's been a few years, but as of I'm back on my bullshit:

3D render depicting a classic sci-fi rocketship on a background reminiscent of fake-color photos of nebulae.

The idea was to recreate an old drawing, but it didn't work out, and now I'm not sure what to add to make it less empty.

Anyway, here's the source code:

// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: happy-rocketship.pov
// Vers: 1
// Desc: A happy rocketship!
// Date: 2021-12-07
// Auth: Claude LeChat <>

#version 3.7;

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera {
	location <0, 0, -1>
	look_at <0, 0, 0>
	// angle 48

light_source { <0, 0, -99> color White /*rotate <-30, -15, 0>*/ }

sphere {
	<0, 0, 3>, 1
	pigment { Brown_Agate scale 3 }
	rotate <0, -30, 30>

// Fake color nebula
#declare Nebula_Size = 5;

sphere {
	<0, 0, 5>, Nebula_Size
	pigment { rgbf <1, 1, 1, 1> }
	hollow interior {
		media {
			emission 0.3
			density {
				color_map {
					[0.0 NewMidnightBlue]
					[0.05 Black]
					[0.95 Black]
					[1.0 DarkPurple]
			scale Nebula_Size
	//rotate <0, -15, -45>

// Rocketship
union {
	difference {
		sphere {
			<0, 0, 0>, 0.5
			scale <0.89, 0.13, 0.13>
		cylinder {
			<0, 0, -0.07>, <0, 0, 0.07>, 0.02
			translate x * 0.1
		cylinder {
			<0, 0, -0.07>, <0, 0, 0.07>, 0.02
			translate x * 0.2
		cylinder {
			<0, 0, -0.07>, <0, 0, 0.07>, 0.02
			translate x * 0.3
	cylinder {
		<0, 0, -0.07>, <0, 0, 0.07>, 0.02
		texture { Dark_Green_Glass }
		translate x * 0.1
	cylinder {
		<0, 0, -0.06>, <0, 0, 0.06>, 0.02
		texture { Dark_Green_Glass }
		translate x * 0.2
	cylinder {
		<0, 0, -0.05>, <0, 0, 0.05>, 0.02
		texture { Dark_Green_Glass }
		translate x * 0.3
	// Engine nozzle
	cone {
		<-0.45, 0, 0>, 0.03, <-0.4, 0, 0>, 0

	// Tail fins
	cone {
		<-0.3, 0, 0>, 0.1, <-0.35, 0.15, 0>, 0.05
		scale <1, 1, 0.1>
	cone {
		<-0.3, 0, 0>, 0.1, <-0.35, 0.15, 0>, 0.05
		scale <1, 1, 0.1>
		rotate x * 120
	cone {
		<-0.3, 0, 0>, 0.1, <-0.35, 0.15, 0>, 0.05
		scale <1, 1, 0.1>
		rotate x * -120
	texture { T_Chrome_2A }
	rotate <15, 30, 15>